Compline, Compline, Compline and (yet again) Compline

How is it true? How can we say the same prayers every day, the same words with little in variation? And yet — every day, every midday, evening and every night — how can it be? How can the prayers never fail to capture my heart, my imagination, my spirit?

When first I chose this photo and saying to accompany my thoughts, I wondered why. And then I really looked again. I really read it.

For me, today, the saying the Daily Office is a personal vow … one day it may (I hope and pray) become a formal vow before God. But for now, it sometimes seems more of a burden than the piece of a larger whole that it is meant to be.

But I must remind myself, the Daily Office is a transformative burden. A burden that, well borne, becomes Light.


~ by Kimberly Mason on February 20, 2012.

3 Responses to “Compline, Compline, Compline and (yet again) Compline”

  1. Nice reminder regarding prayer Kimberly.

    My daughter found herself on a ship coming from Africa to Spain…the roughest of waters (and she’s been on the sea since she was little!)…the passengers were sick and terrified.

    She felt she was keeping stability saying the “Hail Mary”, remembering that I’d told her the traditional prayers serve you very well when you’re scared.
    The prayer was changed to allow her emotions and reality space so it went like this: “Hail Mary, Holy……..that was a big wave#****!!**….Full of Grace…Good God, we’re going over#$%!!!!!….THE LORD IS WITH THEE!”

    They survived and were dancing Flamenco in Spain before they knew it.

  2. I’ve been hit or miss using my rosary (Episcopal) for my evening prayers. I’m going to use Lent to get back into the habit of doing it every day, because it really does make me pay closer attention to what I’m praying about.

  3. Your knowledge is incredibly helpful.

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