The Eye Celebrates Motion: An Illustrated Meditation

The following words are from John O’Donohue’s Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom. The images celebrate the view from my window, today.

“…Everything alive is in movement. This movement we call growth. The most exciting form of growth is not mere physical growth but the inner growth of one’s soul and life. It is here that the holy longing with the heart brings one’s life into motion. The deepest wish of the heat is that this motion does not remain broken or jagged but develops sufficient fluency to become the rhythm of one’s life.”

“The secret heart of time is change and growth. Each new experience that awakens in you adds to your soul and deepens your memory. The person is always a nomad, journeying from threshold to threshold, into ever different experiences. In each new experience, another dimension of the soul unfolds. It is no wonder that from ancient times the human has been understood as a wanderer. Traditionally, these wanderers traversed foreign territories and unknown places. Yet Stanislavsky, the Russian dramatist and thinker, said that “the longest and most exciting journey is the journey inwards.”

“There is a beautiful complexity of growth within the human soul. In order to glimpse this, it is helpful to visualize the mind as a tower of windows. Sadly, many people remain trapped at the one window, looking out every day at the same scene in the same way. Real growth is experienced when you draw back from that one window, turn, and walk around the inner tower of the soul and see all the different windows that await your gaze. Through these different windows, you can see new vistas of possibility, presence, and creativity. Complacency, habit, and blindness often prevent you from feeling your life. So much depends on the frame of vision—the window through which you look.”

I love you. I am thankful for you. You hold my heart.

~ by Kimberly Mason on June 7, 2010.

3 Responses to “The Eye Celebrates Motion: An Illustrated Meditation”

  1. Thank you for the loving thoughts and photos….and reminding me of the love John O’Donohue shared and shares….I like the journey inward….any ideas on discipline for us North American women who run so much and barely touch down for the quiet necessary for reflection?

    • Slow down! Do less. Contemplate more. That’s my advice. 😀 Have you visited the Slow, Love, Life blog? “SLOW LOVE means engaging with the world in a deeper, more meaningful way, learning to appreciate the beauty of everday moments, and taking time to share them with one another. I started thinking about it while writing my new book, SLOW LOVE, and with SLOW LOVE LIFE I want to continue the conversation about speed bumps–the ones that surprise and challenge us, and the ones we put there ourselves, with purposefulness.”

  2. There is no way to rush when I read here… this is beautiful and thought-provoking.

    I can visualize the tower of windows…


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